


  Ten Tips To Get Along with Visually Impaired Persons (VIPs)
  1. 每個失明人也有不同、屬他自己的個性和特長,正如你有你的性格和特定的表現一樣。
  1. Every VIP has his/her own personality and strength, just as you have your own character and particular performance.
  2. 應直接與他交談,以聲音向他表達,但切忌使用眼神,動作等來傳達你的訊息。
  2. Talk to the VIPs directly by means of audible signals. Avoid using eye contact, gesture, etc. to convey your message.
  3. 無須因他失明而故意避免使 「看見」 「睇」 等字。
  3. No need to avoid mentioning words like "see", "watch" when talking to VIPs.
  4. 遇上失明的朋友應採取主動介紹你自己和在你身邊的朋友,讓他知道你是誰。
  4. Take the initiative to introduce yourself and anyone present to the VIPs.
  5. 先告訴對方,才離開原來的地方,否則失明的朋友對空氣說話而不知。
  5. Inform the VIPs before you leave, otherwise they will be talking to the air!
  6. 你可先問對方的需要,才給予他幫忙。
  6. Ask the VIPs whether they need help before offering your helping hand.
  7. 門戶不應半開半關,通道保持暢通焦阻,讓他知道室內傢俱的位置,如位置有更改,需告知他新的位置。
  7. Don't leave doors ajar. Keep passageway free from any obstruction. Let the VIPs know the exact location of different indoor furniture. Remember to inform the VIPs for any changes on its original location.
  8. 領他坐下的方法,是把他的手放在椅背上,他便能知道要坐的位置。
  8. Guide the VIP's hand on the back of a chair to let him/her know the location for the seat.
  9. 如與他同行,可讓他捉住你的臂膀,他便可憑你的動作而知道走平路及上落樓梯。
  9. Let the VIPs hold your arm or forearm and the VIPs can learn from your body movement whether you are walking on a level road, walking upstairs or downstairs.
  10. 若要告知他左右方向時,不應用手指及說 「這邊」 或 「那邊」,你應告訴清楚是左或是右。
  10. Describe directions to the VIPs clearly by using expressions like "on your left" or "on your right", avoid using fingers pointing to a certain location and say "here" or "there" to indicate directions